Thursday, October 4, 2007

Autumn/early October

This period of the year is always a bit of a conundrum. Baseball is over-- or just about over, football has started, but you have to go outside of the city to see it, and basketball is still a ways away.

If things are pretty dreary in the paranormal arena prior to Halloween, it all adds up to nothing to do around here. Well, maybe not entirely, but for some reason this is when I'm most likely to entertain my colleagues by shining a flashlight on my face.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Where Eagles Dare

I was watching the old flick Where Eagles Dare recently, and I was wondering, in the scene where Clint is lying at the top of the Schloß Adler, getting kicked in the guts by one of the Nazis, why doesn't he curl around the guy's leg and wrestle him down. I always wondered about that. Why do you think that is?